RAN Automation with RIC


At the heart of O-RAN operations is the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), which enables management, automation and optimization of RAN components, resulting in enhanced end-to-end performance of the 5G system. The rApps running in the non-RT RIC and xApps running in the near-RT RIC can work together to control the E2 nodes based on KPI feedback. This enables greater degrees of customizability and optimization capability.

How does RIC work?

The Non-RT RIC operates in the management plane, focusing more on long-term optimization like deciding on appropriate policy deployment based on performance reports from the E2 nodes such as CU and DU. The Near-RT RIC directly interfaces with E2 nodes. It sends control messages to them, ensuring dynamic resource management and optimization. This integrated approach results in a responsive, efficiently managed RAN environment. With the use of different types of rApps/xApps, several use cases can be enabled:

What we offer?

Before the benefits of RIC-based optimization can be reaped, the rApps/xApps need to be thoroughly tested under various conditions, so that their performance can be verified. FCTLab provides you with a testbed in which you can both validate and test your rApps/xApps' functionality.

The xApp validation setup is shown in the diagram on the right. Your rApps/xApps can be onboarded to the RIC, and then be tested under various RAN scenarios with the RAN Emulator. In the test setup, the rApps/xApps can be tested on a real RAN employing our multi-vendor CU, DU & RU, with real mobile UEs.

Key Benefits for Companies